Collection of the information required for the sustainability description
We utilize your responses in writing the product’s sustainability description as well as the product description on the website, given the said product has passed the curation. The sustainability description provides the base for the sustainability panel’s decision and supports customer’s purchase decision on the website.
Questions that are not relevant to your product or service do not require answering. In case you don’t know how to answer a question, you may write “I don’t know” or “I’m not able to answer this” and our colleagues will be in touch with you and provide you assistance. We will use the answers given to write the sustainability description. If you wish to share confidential information with the Sustainability Panel and do not want it to be mentioned in the description, kindly mention this in the respective entry.
Please note that you need to fill out a separate application for each product. After having sent the first application you can fill out and send the next one. Additional products are priced separately.
Kindly send the product entry photo to . The photo should be at least 1000px wide and 600px high without any graphics (logos, slogans or certificates).
Thank you!